What is AviClear?

AviClear by Cutera is the first and only FDA-cleared laser for treatment of mild to severe acne. This revolutionary technology uses laser light therapy to reduce the amount of oil your sebaceous glands produce. Overproduction of oil leads to breakouts and inflammation in the skin. AviClear treats acne from the inside out, clearing up current breakouts and reducing the length, severity, and frequency of new ones.

Targeting Acne at the Source!

Overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands is one of the leading causes of acne. What makes AviClear so unique is it targets acne at the source. This revolutionary laser treatment uses a 1726nm wavelength to selectively target and down regulate the sebaceous gland, reducing active acne safely and effectively without the need for prescription medications. 

AviClear is safe, effective, and suitable for all skin types and tones.

The future is looking clear with AviClear!

The future is looking clear with AviClear!

What sets AviClear apart from other acne treatments?

Most topical acne treatments only create temporary results and do not target oil production at the microscopic level—a typical source of acne breakouts.


In contrast, oral acne medications like Accutane often come with side effects that can negatively affect your health over the long term. These side effects may include depression, liver inflammation, birth defects, permanent vision and hearing loss, muscle and joint pain, stomach and/or bowel pain, spikes in cholesterol and/or blood sugar levels, or the lowering of your red and white blood cell counts.


When compared to standard topical and oral acne treatments, AviClear is the clear choice–pun intended! Not only is it a pain-free procedure that zaps acne in its earliest stages, but it does so using no harmful chemicals or creating any undesirable side effects.


Finally, a long-term acne solution that makes you feel as good as you look.

What type of acne does AviClear treat?

AviClear can treat both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne.

Inflammatory acne may appear as red, swollen, and/or painful bumps on the face, back, chest, and shoulders. These tender bumps often contain pus, dead skin cells, and excess oil. Some of the most common types of inflammatory acne include papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.


Non-inflammatory acne, also known as comedonal acne, looks like blemishes closer to the skin’s surface. Most of the time, they aren’t swollen or painful. Think of the tiny blackheads and whiteheads you typically see in your T-zone, where facial skin tends to be oilier.


So how does AviClear help tackle these types of acne? Simply put, this world-class skincare treatment suppresses your skin’s oil production through a series of targeted laser treatments.

30 minutes | 3 monthly treatments at $3,000

Put Your Best Face Forward with Modern Aesthetics

At Modern Aesthetics Spa, achieving the skin of your dreams is possible. Our research-driven, results-oriented facial treatments nip skin problems in the bud and leave you looking fresh-faced every time. Your health, wellbeing, and experience with us are our top priorities–and what motivates us to provide fabulous service and exceptional care for all our clients.


To offer the best in tailored holistic skincare treatments, we conduct an extensive intake consultation with each new client. The more we can learn about your lifestyle, skincare history, and aesthetics goals, the more comprehensive and customized of skincare treatments we can provide you.


  • AviClear works by using a unique 1726-nanometer wavelength that is able to directly target sebaceous glands without damaging any nearby skin cells.

    The bursts of laser energy generated by the AviClear device travel down to the sebum-producing glands, where they are quickly absorbed. As sebaceous glands absorb the energy, they become damaged and shrink in size. This leads to an overall decrease in sebum production.

  • Bust your acne once and for all in three 30-minute AviClear treatment sessions. Each treatment is scheduled four to six weeks apart to allow your skin ample time to heal and prep for the next session.

    Step 1: Prep & Degrease

    Each AviClear session starts with a thorough and holistic preparation of your skin. Your practitioner will cleanse all makeup, degrease your skin, and shave off any excess hair in the treatment area.

    Step 2: Rehydrate

    Once your skin is prepped and ready, we spend three minutes rehydrating the treatment area with wet gauze. Every three to five pulses, another wet gauze will be used to re-moisten the treated areas so that water can fill any air pockets. This careful rehydration process prevents the development of adverse side effects.

    Step 3: Post-Treatment Care

    At the end of each session, your practitioner will discuss post-treatment care instructions and explain what you can expect in the coming days. Your next AviClear treatment will also be scheduled at this time.

  • AviClear Clinical Data

    In Clinical studies, 80% of patients saw at least half of their acne clear after three treatment sessions. 87% of patients report being “ very satisfied” at week 12

    Acne breakouts typically improve within three to four weeks of your final AviClear treatment, with some effects lasting up to a year or longer. After using AviClear, you should experience fewer, milder, and shorter breakouts.

  • A single AviClear laser treatment costs $1,000, but a series of three is highly recommended to ensure long-lasting results. A package of three AviClear laser treatments is $3,000. Modern Aesthetics Spa is proud to offer payment plans and other financing options so that you can look and feel your best with AviClear.

  • Although AviClear is a near-painless procedure that doesn’t require any recovery time, you may feel a mild, yet tolerable warm sensation on your skin after treatment. Our AviClear treatments use AviCool™ skin-cooling technology to regulate your skin's temperature for a pleasant treatment experience.

  • ● Minimize UV exposure before, during, and after your treatment(s). This includes tanning beds and artificial tanning agents like spray tans and tanning lotions.

    ●      Avoid sensitizing skincare products like tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, vitamin C and/or ascorbic acid, and astringents for a few days before and after treatment.

    ●      Do not wax or use other hair removal methods two weeks before treatment.

  • AviClear is an excellent alternative for anyone looking to avoid oral treatments, such as antibiotics or Accutane. Patients with both inflammatory acne, non-inflammatory acne, and excessively oily skin can all benefit from AviClear, regardless of skin tone or type.

  • Do not use AviClear if you are pregnant or are receiving treatment for skin cancer.